Jan 16, 2011

1000 Tix Challenge - part 6

I haven't felt like Magic for the last month or so. There was one buy I did when Mirran and Phyrexian Crusader were spoiled, and I was to lazy to blog about it:

16 Knight Exemplars bought at 0.25.

Yes, shame on me for not letting you know. This is how these Exemplars look today:

Sold for 2 tix each (with 1 bonus ticket from selling 4 Exemplars and 3 Thieves for 9).

Spoiler season for Besieged starts tomorrow and it will only last two weeks, so it's a good idea to have some tickets ready.


  1. Since I am a bit new to (casual) speculation, I kind of stood back and watched what happened to her. The morning after Accorder Paladin was spoiled, you could still get the Exemplars for about .9 tix, but you really had to LOOK for them. Next day they were over 2 tix. Wish I would have picked some up, even at .9, but I really didn't have a comfort level for that card so didn't know the upside.

  2. Also, I'd love to get some more posts as we go through the spoiler weeks here. I like to hear your thought process on why you choose/not choose cards to jump into during spoilers. Thanks for the great site!!!

  3. That's actually a nice idea. I'll try to post as often as possible until the end of the spoiler season.
