Aug 1, 2010

M11 Prerelease finished, Pyromancer Ascension going up

M11 prerelease events are finished. Promo Sun Titans are no longer entering the market, but it's still time to buy some more. If you're into daytrading (I'm not) promo Sun Titans were great for this purpose - you could buy them at 2 tix and sell at 3 tix all day long. All M11 cards are high now and you should stay away from them unless you want to daytrade or know something I don't :).

Cardbot is selling Pyromancer Ascensions at 2,5 tix now. It may go a bit higher, but not by much - I'm selling mine now.


  1. Hi, what is "daytrading"? trading all day long?
    How many ascension did you managed to raise?

  2. - the same thing you are doing, buying and selling on the same day.

    As for Ascensions - not enough. Didn't have much time, so I only bought 8 :(

  3. what's tix? may i buy your pyromancer ascension? haha. i need 4 :)
