The title may be a bit misleading, as this post is a follow-up on the last one. But it IS different - this will be my first take on deck-tech. I was planning to do a different post, but after playing 50 2-man queues with the GW Quest I just have to get this out of my system.
As I've said, I've had 50 matches in the 2-mans, and I really like how the deck plays. I scored a 32-18 record, which I don't think shows how good the final version of the deck is. I have started with the following list:
An ancient GW Quest lits (kids, don't try this at home)
Main deck
5 Forest
8 Plains
4 Razorverge Thicket
4 Sunpetal Grove
2 Stirring Wildwood
4 Memnite
4 Ornithopter
4 Glint Hawk
4 Birds of Paradise
4 Fauna Shaman
4 Squadron Hawk
1 Kor Outfitter
1 Stoneforge Mystic
4 Vengevine
4 Quest for the Holy Relic
2 Argentum Armor
1 Sword of Body and Mind
1 Linvala, Keeper of Silence
3 Devout Lightcaster
4 Kor Firewalker
4 Obstinate Baloth
3 Kor Sanctifiers
I've played a total of 4 matches with the above list (2-2 record), and I already knew I hated Birds of Paradise. The birds quickly became 3 Kor Skyfishers and 1 Basilisk Collar. I've played some 13 matches with those changes, and was delighted. I produces a 11-2 record, which was really impressive. Then came a streak of worse results, which led to changes in the sideboard (2 Baloths and 2 Sanctifiers out, 4 Leonin Arbiters in). With a 16-8 record came the server maintenance, and with it - Gold queues. I wouldn't be myself if I didn't try to seize this opportunity of making some quick tix so I jumped in. The result? A 1-4 start and 31 tix lost in 1 day. Playing the last 4 games after midnight while being really tired is some excuse, but I went back to the lab for some changes. And here's the final list:
GW Quest 2.0 (with Tchoob's seal of approval)
Main deck
5 Forest
8 Plains
4 Razorverge Thicket
4 Sunpetal Grove
2 Stirring Wildwood
4 Memnite
4 Ornithopter
4 Glint Hawk
4 Fauna Shaman
4 Squadron Hawk
3 Kor Skyfisher
1 War Priest of Thune
1 Stoneforge Mystic
4 Vengevine
4 Quest for the Holy Relic
2 Argentum Armor
1 Sword of Body and Mind
1 Basilisk Collar
2 Linvala, Keeper of Silence
4 Devout Lightcaster
4 Kor Firewalker
4 Leonin Arbiter
1 War Priest of Thune
With this list I've cruised through the Gold queues to a 13-4 record in the 2 following days, more that making up for my losses from day 1 each of those days. The main deck hasn't changed much, but the real changes are in the sideboard. But instead of explaining each card choice I'll describe the matchups, in order of number of matches played against each archetype.
Result: 9-2
Yup, you've read that right. 9-2 against the most common, and as some people state the best archetype in Standard. It may look surprising as long as you don't look into the matchup. Game 1 both sides try to combo out as fast as possible, with the only interaction being some Lightning Bolts from across the board. As my GW Quest build is tuned to be as good a Quest deck as the mono White versions, it is on average a turn or two faster than Valakut. This is the good hand scenario. In the bad hand scenario they struggle with they're ramp while you don't have the Quest, but you do have the creatures and simply bash them unopposed. This makes Game 1 favourable. Of course if they get the ramp and you don't get Quest or 3 Vengevines in the grave early, you will lose.
+4 Leonin Arbiter
+1 War Priest of Thune (assuming they pack Khalni Heart Expedition)
-4 Squadron Hawk
-1 Basilisk Collar
You may have been surprised to see Leonin Arbiter in the board, but let me tell you a secret - it changes each Valakut hand into a bad hand unless removed. It also hurts your deck, bet it's nothing compared to the handbrake it applies to Valakut. Of course they will have more removal after sideboard, but you have more things that absolutely need to be removed. The extra War Priest also helps to slow them down to a crawl.
BR Vampires
Result: 2-4
A great matchup is followed by a poor one. I haven't played against Vampires with the final list, but I don't expect it to do very good. Game 1 you absolutely have to combo out with Quest, so I hope you have mulliganed aggressively (which you really always should do with this deck). You won't be able to beat Kalastria Highborn + Viscera Seer + Bloodghast without Argentum Armor, or the most insane Vengevine draws, and I kept seeing that trio all the time against Vamps. And even the best Vengevine draws won't save you from Demon of Death's Gate turn 3.
+4 Devout Lightcaster
+2 Linvala, Keeper of Silence
-4 Squadron Hawk
-1 War Priest of Thune
-1 Sword of Body and Mind
After sideboard life becomes a bit easier, as you have more outs to Highborn and Demon. If you live long enough to see 5 mana Devout Lightcaster + Kor Skyfisher can be a blowout. Linvala blocks Viscera Seer shenanigans. All in all I feel this is the hardest matchup for this deck.
UB Control
Result: 3-2
Game 1 is pretty ok. Both your plans are viable, and even if you only destroy one of they're permanents with Argentum Armor before the wearer gets Doom Bladed you still have gained value. Vengevines are simply silly good in this matchup. Both Basilisk Collar and Sword of Body and Mind are useful, as the first one can deal with Grave Titan and the second one with everything else.
+4 Devout Lightcaster
+2 Linvala, Keeper of Silence
-4 Quest for the Holy Relic
-1 Argentum Armor
-1 War Priest of Thune
Yup, there it is. You take out all the Quests, and turn your deck into a Vengevine aggro deck. Linvala is used only as an evasive beater, nothing more. Your opponent has probably sided in all the Quest hate in the world, so you have an advantage. Lightcaster equipped with Sword of Body and Mind is amazing. It may actually be correct to ignore Jace and just go for the throat - provided of course you can get your hands on a pair of Vengevines. This matchup is definitely favoured.
Mono G Eldrazi
Result: 3-2
The second ramp deck is actually tougher than the first one. Game 1 is especially hard as you don't have any means to disrupt they're ramp. Quest nut draws will beat them, as they beat everything in Standard, but otherwise you need that turn 2 Fauna Shaman and multiple ways to bring back annihilated Vengevines in hand. I'd say that Game 1 is slightly favoured.
+2 Linvala, Keeper of Silence
-1 War Priest of Thune
-1 Glint Hawk
Linvala helps as a lot of they're ramp is creature based, and she will fly over all blockers save Emrakul. Not much changes from Game 1 except they may have some artifact hate which they trade for speed - and that's fine with you as this can allow you to aggro them. Post sideboard games are still slightly favoured.
RUG Control
Result: 2-2
This one is better than it looks from the results - they're skewed by one match played at 1AM as the last of a 4-match tilt. Again, both your plans are good, and they're only hope against a resolved Sword of Body and Mind is either Inferno Titan or swarming you with Avenger of Zendikar. They don't have a lot of win conditions, so your Vengevines will have a lot of time to kill them. Game 1 is definitely favoured.
+1 Linvala, Keeper of Silence
-1 War Priest of Thune
Post-sideboard games are a bit harder, as you're not getting anything useful. They will probably run more removal, but that's not going to stop your angry plants. I feel this match is favoured.
GW Quest
Result: 0-2
The mirror. If they are running Birds Game 1 is very slightly favoured, as you are the better Quest deck. You may have a small advantage because of War Priest of Thune mainboard. Short of that... well, it's a mirror.
+1 War Priest of Thune
-1 Basilisk Collar
I have been on the receiving end of Fauna Shaman powered War Priests in both matches, and they hurt. Having one in the opening hand is a good sign.
WW Quest
Result: 2-0
Game 1 they have to get an early Argentum Armor, or they can't beat you. Really, that's all you can say here.
+1 War Priest of Thune
-1 Basilisk Collar
Post-sideboard: see GW Quest. Keep in mind that they run Kor Outfitters, so don't take to long killing them, or they will equip that Armor even if you don't let them fire Quest. This matchup is definitely favoured.
UW Control
Result: 1-1
I don't have enough play experience against UW, but they run less instant speed removal than UB which makes Quest better. They also run Journey to Nowhere, which makes Vengevine worse than against UB.
+1 War Priest of Thune
+2 Linvala, Keeper of Silence
-1 Basilisk Collar
-1 Memnite
-1 Glint Hawk
Linvala + Sword of Body and Mind gives you an out against Baneslayer Angel apart from Argentum Armor. I can't write anything more because as I've said, I haven't played a lot of UW.
These are all the archetypes with more than 1 match played. As you can see there are no Red decks here, but they are the reason for Kor Firewalkers in the sideboard. I replace Squadron Hawks with Firewalkers in RDW and Boros matchups.
I haven't seen any GW Quest list 4-0 a Daily Event yet, but I feel this list is more than capable of doing it. I really recommend you to try this list out, as turn 3 Argentum Armor is the most powerful thing you can do in Standard, and this deck doesn't fizzle when you can't get that Armor or they deal with it. Besides, by making the deck popular you help Fauna Shaman reach it's rightful price tag :).
PS: Now this is one long post...